As it is known, in May of the current year a new project competition was announced within the Joint Program on cooperation of ANAS and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). According to the competition, employees of scientific institutions of ANAS, together with their colleagues from Turkish universities, research centers and institutes, had to submit their English-language projects to ANAS and TUBITAK respectively.
A meeting was held on the project announced by ANAS and TUBITAK in the Main Building of the Academy on July 19, organized by the International Relations Department of the Presidium of ANAS. The main goal was to discuss the terms of the project, the implementation period, the evaluation criterion, the budget and other issues.
Heads and specialists of International Relations departments of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS took part in the meeting.
It was the 4th joint project announced by the management of the contest. The project proposals will be accepted by the International Relations Office until August 31, 2018, and the signing of the contract will take place on September 14. According to him, the funds allocated for the selected projects are intended to cover travel costs to Turkey within the framework of the project, Earlier, Head of the International Relations Department of the Presidium, PhD in Biology Esmira Alirzayeva lined out.
E. Alirzayeva informed about the directions, main purpose and conditions of the joint project competition. He said that the presented projects are of great importance for both Turkey and Azerbaijan. She also emphasized the importance of participation of partners in the project from Turkey.
Later, Elchin Seyfullayev, the employee of the International Relations Department, informed the participants of the meeting about the rules of participation in the bilateral joint program, requirements for drafting and submission of applications, online registration and filling in application forms.
At the end of the meeting, a wide range of views were exchanged, and numerous questions were asked about the selection of topics, business plan preparation and organization of business trips.
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