Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.09.2018 12:38
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International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of academician Hasan Abdullayev in ANAS

International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of academician Hasan Abdullayev in ANAS

The International Conference "Modern Trends in Condensed Matter Physics" (MTCMP-2018) was held at the Institute of Physics in the main building of ANAS. The two-day event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the former president of the Azerbaijani Academy of Sciences, honored scientist, laureate of the State Prize, academician Hasan Abdullayev.

Opening the conference, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Physics, academician Nazim Mammadov said that, the event was organized in accordance with the Order of President Ilham Aliyev "On the 100th anniversary of academician Hasan Abdullayev" dated July 14, 2017. H.Abdullaev laid the foundation of modern physics, in particular, physics and semiconductor technology, as well as the main directions of its all-round development.

The scientist, who formed a rich school by fundamental research, for many years as president of the Academy of Sciences made a significant contribution to the organization of science in the country, carried out worthy endorsement of activities to deepen the integration of the country's science into the international scientific space.

Then, Deputy Director for scientific affairs, academician Javad Abdinov delivered a report on "An outstanding scientist and organizer of science". He said that, the great scientist Hasan Abdullayev was born on August 20, 1918 in the village of Yaichi, an ancient settlement of the Djulfa district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. He received his 1st education in the school of the Yaichi village in 5 and then entered the agricultural technical school in Nakhchivan. In 1948 he received a Ph.D., in 1954, Doctor of Science, in 1957 he became a Professor. In 1955 he was elected as corresponding member of the ANA, in 1967 - active member. In 1957-1993-Director of the Institute of Physics, in 1970-1983- President of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. J.Abdinov said that the scientist plays an indispensable role in the development of solid state physics in Azerbaijan, usage of semiconductor electronics and high technologies.

Academician is the author of 15 monographs, more than 250 inventions, dozens of textbooks, more than 500 scientific articles. Under the guidance of the scientist, 100 doctors of philosophy and 20 doctors of science were trained. He noted that the activity of the academician was highly appreciated, he was a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan, holder of the honorary title of Honored Worker of Sciences, orders "Red Banner of Labor" and "Lenin" and Gold Medal after S.I.Vavilov USSR

At the conference, Professor Natig Atakishiyev, Professor of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and Adil Abbasov, head of the Department of Social Jurisprudence of the Apparatus of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor of the Department of Semiconductor Physics of the BSU.

Work continued on the collections of departments. An employee of the Japanese Institute of Technology Chiba Kazuki Vakita delivered a paper on "Analysis of the photoelectric surfaces CuInS2 and CZTS" and a representative of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Russia Alexander Levchenko with a report on "Movements on the surface of classical and quantum liquids."

The conference will end on September 26.

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