Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.10.2018 14:04
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ANAS Presidium and Academic Council of Baku State University held a joint meeting

ANAS Presidium and Academic Council of Baku State University held a joint meeting

Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory after N.Tusi held a joint meeting of the Presidium of ANAS and the Academic Council of Baku State University on October 3. Opening the event, President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh familiarized with the agenda.

Then, A.Alizadeh awarded corresponding member of ANAS Sudeyf Imamverdiyev the order "Sharaf", by the Order of President Ilham Aliyev dated July 13, 2018.

The 1st scientific and organizational issue submitted for consideration was related to the reports on the results of research works conducted in the scientific institutions of ANAS in 2018. Stressing that methodological instruction was developed for the preparation of reports, academician Akif Alizadeh ordered to prepare reports in the appropriate form and submit them to the departments and departments of the Presidium's staff.

The next issue on the agenda was the issue of the rational use of the land plot of the Khizi Agricultural Production Complex of ANAS. After discussion, it was considered expedient to allocate to the Academy employees who wish to engage in gardening and melon growing, temporary land plots. A commission was created to consider proposals related to this issue.

The other resolution approved the collective agreement between the Presidium of ANAS and the Presidium of the Union of Free Trade Unions of ANAS for 2018-2020.

Also for the rational organization of rest of the employees of ANAS, which is an integral part of the work to improve their social security, the meeting adopted a resolution on the implementation of appropriate measures for the effective use of buildings.

Presidium gave instructions in connection with the provision of undergraduate and doctoral students of ANAS with housing for the period of their studies and the solution of organizational issues in this area.

In addition, by the decisions of the Presidium, partial changes were made to the structures of the institutions of Oil and Gas, Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS. Also at the Institute of Physiology after academician Abdulla Garayev of ANAS was created the Laboratory of Immunophysiology and Experimental Transplantology.

After discussion, the establishment of the Center of Anthropology at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS was approved.

In conclusion, personnel issues were addressed. Doctor of Philosophy in Agrarian Sciences Teyub Shukurov was appointed as Director of the Guba Regional Experimental Base of the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS. In addition, appropriate personnel were also assigned to the Center for Strategic Scientific Research of the Presidium of the ANAS. Fatali Abdullayev, doctor of political sciences was entrusted with the duties of the head of the center.

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