Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.11.2018 09:33
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Scientific Council on Philology Problems approved 30 topics

Scientific Council on Philology Problems approved 30 topics

National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi held 9th meeting of the Scientific Council on Problems of Philology of the Republican Council for Coordination of Scientific Research.

The meeting, under the chairmanship of academician Rafael Huseynov looked through the 34 dissertations including 4 doctors and 30 PhDs.

Theses for doctoral studies, approved without any changes are "Traditions of the lyric poetry of Azerbaijan and new approaches in national poetry in the XIX and early XX century" by doctoral student of the Institute of Manuscripts Akram Hasanov, doctoral student of the Institute of Linguistics Kifayat Imanguliyeva on "Phonetics of the dialects of the Azerbaijani language (in the phonosemantic aspect)", and doctoral student of the Institute of Folklore Guldana Panahova on "Typology of Molla Nasreddin's Plots in the Folklore of Turkic Peoples".

Theses for PhD studies, approved without any changes are dissertation on "Models of administrative management in various ideological systems and the impact on Azerbaijani literature of the complex of human relations, generated by them" PhD students of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature Nargiz Gahramanova, PhD students of the Institute of Linguistics Izzat Jabbarov on "Linguistic expression of ethnocultural information in the Azerbaijani and English dictionaries", doctoral student of Baku State University Vusala Taghizadeh on “National problem of ideology in Azerbaijani prose at the beginning of the twentieth century”, etc.

Not approved a number of works by PhD studies of Nakhchivan State University Tehrana Khudaverdiyeva on "English folklore in literary criticism of Azerbaijan", doctoral student of the Baku Slavic University Rugia Mamedova on “Features of the comedy genre in modern Azerbaijani drama (the 90s of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21 century), full-time doctoral student of the Azerbaijan University of Languages Sabina Mammadova on "Provocative issues in modern English and their semantic and pragmatic features", etc.

A total, 30 topics were approved, the names of 5 have changed.

During the discussions, Doctors of Philology, Professors Asker Rasulov, Aida Gasimova, Atamoglan Hasanov, Bedirhan Ahmadov, Gazanfar Kazimov, Mehdi Kazimov, Nadir Mamedli, Pasha Karimov and others expressed their opinions and suggestions.

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