Ministry of Economy and the United Nations Office in Azerbaijan jointly organized the second Republican Innovation Contest to support the implementation of the "Promotion of Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030", "Azerbaijan 2020: Looking to the Future" Development Concept and the National Economic and "Strategic Road Map on Major Sectors".
The winners of the contest were awarded on December 10.
Speaking at the event, Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev emphasized that the integration of Azerbaijan into innovation processes, promotion and implementation of measures to transition to the innovation economy in recent years included strategic programs and documents, including the "Azerbaijan 2020: Vision to Future" Development Concept and various sectors which is reflected in the Strategic Road Map. A number of objectives and targets of these documents are identical to the UN "Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030".
Shahin Mustafayev emphasized the importance of such events in terms of stimulating innovation activities and improving efficiency, creating the necessary conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses within the innovation infrastructure, improving the research base and innovation activity in terms of human resources development. A commission consisting of government agencies and UN representatives was set up to hold the competition, during which a number of meetings were held in the direction of promotion of the competition and public awareness, and the "Idea Bank" platform of ASAN Service was used to simplify the adoption of innovation projects. More than 200 projects covering economic, social and environmental spheres were presented within the framework of the competition, the speaker stated.
Afterwards, UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, Gulam Ishaqzai, spoke about the importance of innovation, promoting investment in innovative areas, promoting scientific achievements and innovations in various fields, as well as improving the national innovation system.
Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade, Minister of Culture Abulfas Garayev, Chairman of the State Agency for Citizen Service and Social Innovations Ulvi Mehdiyev delivered speeches at the opening of the event, including the creation of infrastructure for human resources development, introduction of effective financing mechanisms, especially in terms of attracting local and foreign investments in this area.
An agreement was signed between the Ministries of Economy, Culture, Transport, Communications and High Technologies, State Agency for Citizens Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, National Academy of Sciences and Ernst and Young representation of Azerbaijan to coordinate joint activities on organizing annual Innovation Contest. the memorandum was signed.
The document was signed by Minister of Economy S.Mustafayev, Minister of Culture A.Garayev, Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies R.Guluzadeh, Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations U.Mehdiyev, President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh and Ernst and Young Company representative Ilgar Veliyev.
At the end of the event, diplomas and awards were presented to the authors of the first three winning projects in the Innovation Competition, as well as the winning projects.
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