Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.01.2019 16:31
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A meeting of the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

A meeting of the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

On January 17, the Presidium of ANAS hosted a meeting of the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Head of Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor Farah Aliyeva, Health Minister Ogtay Shiraliyev, Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov, Chief of the Armed Forces Military Lieutenant General Heydar Piriyev, vice-presidents, academician and secretary of ANAS participated in the event.

In recent years, a number of measures have been implemented in the field of organization, management and development of scientific activities, scientific innovation activities and stimulation of scientific achievements in the republic. The council's activity would be effective in terms of coordinating scientific research in the country, involving various scientific institutions in joint research, assisting in the use of science and technology achievements in practice, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh said.

The issue on the tasks arising from the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Additional Measures to Improve the Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Certification in the Republic of Azerbaijan" was considered at the meeting, academician underlined.

Giving information about the Statute of the Scientific Researches Coordination Council, the head of ANAS noted that we should establish our work on the basis of the rights and obligations set out in this document.

The scientist also shared his views on research carried out in about 140 scientific institutions in the country, saying that research conducted at enterprises should meet the requirements of contemporary world science, multidisciplinary character, and each organization should support its development of innovative science.

A.Alizade has noticed that in recent years ANAS has been financing not only scientific institutions, but also major projects, and significant achievements in this direction. He noted that effective scientific cooperation relations were established as a result of the integration of the organization with the educational institutions of the country.

At the end of the speech, the head of ANAS emphasized the importance of strengthening coordination with enterprises engaged in a scientific activity and advised scientists and experts to take an active part in this process.

Academician Rasim Alguliyev, academician-secretary of ANAS, made a report on the state of formation of e-science in our country and forthcoming tasks. R. Alguliev spoke about the experience of the world countries in the field of e-science, giving information about the organizations that support e-science in Azerbaijan and internationally. The speaker said that information resources should be created for e-science, the network infrastructure of e-science must be expanded, a network of national e-libraries should be created, a national anti-TB system should be developed, integrated into international scientific bases, and scientific-theoretical problems of e-science.

It was decided to consider proposals of ANAS and submit it to the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The next issue on the agenda was the II Congress of Azerbaijani scholars. Academician Akif Alizadeh, said that on December 19, 2014 for the first time in Azerbaijan and the region the first congress of Azerbaijani scholars was held. A.Alizade noted that at the next congress devoted to the discussion of the current state of Azerbaijani science will be discussed the development of innovative science, in particular, the contribution of science to the economy and opportunities.

Taking into consideration the results of the meeting, it was decided to hold the second congress of Azerbaijani scholars in November this year. Relevant assignments were also given to the organization of the event. Finally, the issue of Science Day was discussed. The President of the ANAS recalled the relevant decree of President Ilham Aliyev on establishing "Science Day" in our country in order to increase the authority of science in the country and increase the importance of science in the development of society. For the first time on March 27 this year the Science Day will be celebrated in the country. He also added that the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan approved the Action Plan on holding the Day of Knowledge on March 27 and gave relevant instructions to hold a remarkable day at a high level.

Head of the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor Farah Aliyeva spoke about the necessity of step-by-step simplification and modernization of the dissertation defense process, as well as the need to improve its quality.

She also spoke about the proposed the reorganization of the dissertation councils and the criteria for the selection of members in these councils. F.Aliyeva also noted the necessity of operative functioning of websites of problem councils.

Health Minister Ogtay Shiraliyev, vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli, Deputy Education Minister Firudin Gurbanov, academician-secretary of Biological and Medical Sciences Department, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov and others spoke on the improvement of the Supreme Attestation Commission's work, effective coordination among scientific institutions.

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