Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.02.2019 16:04
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Delegation from ATU acquainted with the production process of ANAS High Technology Park

Delegation from ATU acquainted with the production process of ANAS High Technology Park

A delegation led by Prof. Ilham Pirmamedov, Vice-Rector for Science and Technology of Azerbaijan Technical University (ATU), visited the ANAS High Technologies Park (HT Park), organized by the Department of Science and Innovation. The delegation includes heads of various faculties and departments of ATU, as well as radio engineering, automation, electronics, information technologies and others.

The meeting took place on the basis of the Intent Agreement on cooperation signed between HT Park and ATU on October 12 last year. The purpose of the YT Park is to get acquainted with the activities of the park, the products and business process, as well as the establishment of cooperation.

Initially, HT Park Director, PhD in economy Nazim Shukurov informed the guests about the main directions of his organization. He noted that the goal of this enterprise is to promote sustainable development and competitiveness of the economy, to expand innovation and high technology fields based on modern scientific and technological achievements, as well as the creation of innovative enterprises. He noted that the HT Park is planning to create a special platform for attracting investments in scientific research and realizing innovative scientific projects of scientists.

The scientist emphasized that the development of relations between ATU and HT Park would make important contributions to the application of science to production.

Then the guests got acquainted with the accredited Strategic Scientific Analytical Testing Center, meeting the international standards. Head of the Analytical Testing Center, PhD in Chemistry Arzu Alizadeh and Deputy Director of Laboratory Kamal Yusifov gave detailed information about the Center's capacities, services provided here.

Guests were also familiar with multidisciplinary analyzes in the HT Park, international certified devices, detection of toxic elements in consumer goods and equipment for crystallization.

The projects implemented at the Center, the material-technical base and the working conditions meeting the modern requirements caused great interest of ATU representatives.

The delegation visited the Experimental Industrial Plant (EIP) of ANAS. EIP chief technologist Husan Rzayev said that this plant, which is the first resident of HT Park, is engaged in the production of high quality lubricants in Azerbaijan.

The guests then got acquainted with the oil production area of “ Millers Oils Azerbaijan”, a joint venture between Millers Oils and the ANAS.

Guests also got acquainted with armored fleets and non-fleet flight units in the HT Park.

Employees of ATU highly appreciated the products purchased on the basis of chemical technology, military products and overall innovation environment created at HT Park and expressed their interest in continuing joint cooperation.

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