On March 19, at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.Bunyadov, ANAS hosted a meeting devoted to the 27th of March - Day of Science.
Director of the Institute, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva spoke about the state care for the development of science in the country and said that the establishment of the Science Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan by Presidential Order dated 9 April 2018 is a clear example of this attention.
Gakh Bakhshaliyeva said that great leader Heydar Aliyev paid great attention to all areas of the country's life, including science.
He recalled the great leader Heydar Aliyev's first meeting in 1993 with the Azerbaijani intellectuals at the Academy of Sciences, mentioning the idea of the great leader in that meeting: "The Academy of Sciences is the national wealth created by several generations of the Azerbaijani people, we have to preserve it."
In November last year, a group of staff members of the Institute of Oriental Studies were awarded with honorary titles, medals and medals by the relevant orders of President Ilham Aliyev, and said that all of them were highly appreciated by the head of the country in the effective work of the collective.
PhDs in history Samad Bayramzadeh, Subhan Talibli, Ph.D. in philology Ruhangiz Jumshudlu and others spoke about the place of the Institute of Oriental Studies in the history of Azerbaijan.
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