Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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20.05.2019 09:25
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Cooperation between Azerbaijani and Chinese scholars contributes to the deepening of relations between the two countries

Cooperation between Azerbaijani and Chinese scholars contributes to the deepening of relations between the two countries

Academician Akif Alizadeh, President of ANAS, met with President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences of Xie Fuzhan within the framework of his visit to Beijing.

Historically established relations between the two countries are developing in all fields, including science and education, and joint projects are being implemented. China's "One belt, One road" initiative opens new opportunities not only for economic but also for cooperation in humanitarian, cultural, scientific and educational spheres, Xie Fuzhan said.

Academician Akif Alizadeh informed about the work done in the direction of development of science in our country and achievements. President A.Alizadeh emphasized the importance of relations with the Chinese science and education institutions, stressing that the Academy cooperates with China Social Sciences Academy, Beijing Foreign Languages ​​University, China Engineering Academy, Beijing University, Beijing International Mathematical Research Center.

It was stressed that the cooperation agreement signed between ANAS and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2017 resulted in the intensive and effective development of scientific relations. The event on cooperation between Azerbaijan and China in 2018 in joint projects was remembered as a successful outcome of the interstate scientific cooperation. In addition, the Chinese Studies Center, which has been operating since 2017 at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, was transformed into an important scientific center. It was noted that at the center anthology of "Chinese subject in Azerbaijani literature" is being prepared. Also, Chinese language courses are organized at the center and joint scientific conferences are held.

The meeting was also attended by Vice President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli, Head of International Relations Department of the Presidium, Associate Professor Esmira Alirzayeva, Director of the Institute of Economy, Professor Nazim Imanov and others.

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