Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


09.07.2019 16:04
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Objectives of Nakhchivan Division for future were discussed

Objectives of Nakhchivan Division for future were discussed

An event devoted to the Objectives of Nakhchivan Division for future.

Opening the event, chairman of the department, academician Ismail Hajiyev said that the implementation of scientific achievements in the economy, the continuation of scientific researches and the expansion of international cooperation are the main tasks facing the division this year.

Noting the results of scientific-organizational work in the first half of 2019, Hajiyev noted that over 403 scientific works were published during the last period, including 290 scientific articles and 101 conference materials. He said that 14 of the scientific articles were published in impact factor journals and that 46 employees made presentations at 15 international and international events.

Speaking about the international relations of the organization, the chairman said that close scientific cooperation with scholars and researchers from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Iran, Russia, the United States and France is being carried out.

The head of the department emphasized that one of the main tasks should be the preparation of skilled cadres, implementation of the work, generalization, monographs and books.

At the end of the meeting, academician Tariyel Talibov, corresponding members of ANAS Fakhraddin Safarli and Abulfaz Guliyev emphasized the necessity to increase the effectiveness of future research.

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