Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.11.2019 13:45
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Discussed the state of integration of scientific journals in Azerbaijan into international bases

Discussed the state of integration of scientific journals in Azerbaijan into international bases

Academic Fikrat Aliyev, director of the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University, delivered a lecture entitled “The State of Integration of Scientific Journals in Azerbaijan into International Bases” at the Azerbaijan Technical University (ATU).

Rector of ATU Prof. Vilayat Valiyev noted that university scientists have an excellent opportunity to publish their articles in high-index journals, and stressed the importance of cooperation in the development of scientific research. Referring to the great experience of academic F. Aliyev in this area, the rector expressed confidence that theworkshop will contribute to the further activities of scientists of ATU.

Later, in his lecture, F. Aliyev spoke about the inclusion of scientific journals in the expanded list of Clarivate Analytics in Azerbaijan. The scientist gave detailed information about the journal “Applied and Computational Mathematics” and spoke about the possibilities of publishing articles by Azerbaijani scientists in the journals “Web of Science”.

He noted that although the Clarivate Analytics list includes a fairly large number of journals in the field of mathematical, chemical and petroleum research, in the field of humanities, social and political sciences, only one journal is included in this system.

Further discussions were held on the lecture, and F. Aliyev responded the questions of the workshop participants.

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