Considered one of the oldest settlements in Azerbaijan, Kalbajar region is rich in rock paintings and historical monuments.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gudrat Ismayilzade dedicated more than 20 years of his life to the discovery of rock paintings on the shores of Alagol, Zalkhagol and Garagol in Kalbajar, as well as in Parichingili, Ayichingili, Lulpar.
According to him, the rock paintings of Kalbajar reflect the worldview of the domestic tribes, household affairs and celestial bodies of local tribes. The oldest of these images dates back to BC. It dates back to the IV-III millennium.
The archeologist compared the Kalbajar paintings with the Gobustan rock paintings, noting the similarities and differences between the monuments.
Can watch more in the interview prepared by Elm TV.
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