Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.04.2015 00:00
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Annual general assembly of ANAS was held

Annual general assembly of ANAS was held

General assembly of ANAS dedicated to academic-organizing performance for 2014 was held on April 29.

Assembly was attended by head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Republic, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, head of the Humanitarian Policy Department of the Presidential Administration, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Fatma Abdullazadeh, academicians and corresponding members of ANAS, directors of institutes and other organizations, representatives of state and public organizations and mass media.

Proceedings demonstrated in the exhibition of academic achievements aroused interest.

Offical part of the assembly commenced with president of ANAS, acad. Akif Alizadeh’s speech. Head of ANAS stated that, guiding by Mr. President’s decrees on science, ANAS successfully operated  during 2014 by organizing and managing science activity with new criteria, modernizing of academic infrastructure and applying  latest technologies as the key objectives of the reforms.

Making speech on done fulfillments in last year, acad. Akif Alizadeh noted that, goals set before in essentially improving of ANAS structure, managment and organizing system, purposeful coordination of scientific ventures, organizing financing relying on new principles, developing international scientific ties, improving high-qualified staff training, science promoting and popularizing etc. directions have been achieved and gained fruitful outputs.

Setting up the structure of ANAS met with modern science development tendencies and interests of the country was the main part of reforms carried out in last year. Center of Biophysics and Smart Materials attached to ANAS, Guba Regional Scientific Center, Institutes of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, History of Science, World Politics and Caucasus study were established in this direction, noted head of ANAS.

Estimating elections for academy membership as a vital event of last year, acad. Akif Alizadeh stated that, these elections are remarkable not only for academy, but also for social and academic life of the country. 2014 was remembered as a year of “firsts”. Thus, for the first time in our country and in the region, “Baku Science Festival-2014” and “The first congress of Azerbaijani scientists” was held co-organized by AR Ministry of Communication and High Technologies and Ministry of Education. By the particular decree of Mr. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ANAS is on the eve of two grandiouse events such as 70th anniversary of ANAS and 70th anniversary of World War 1941-1945.

Speecher told about legal reforms and youth policy in an academy said that, science and education integration benefits for involving the future scientific staff to the Academy. Submitting the distiungished youth for “Presidential Award for youth” and education of young scientists in European academic ventures for PhD and doctorate programs are constituent part of ANAS young staff policy.

Being one of the important achievements in the education and science integration, master studies in ANAS has been realized through governmential support this year. Master studies over 7 specialities would be kicked off.

Making speech on entreching material-technical base of ANAS, academician drew attetion to the commencing new buildings of Central Scientific Library and National Ensyclopedia. Administrative buildings of several ventures reconstructed, and equipped via latest devices. In addition, Experimental-Industrial Plant of ANAS has structurally changed its performance and stepped into new stage by productive natured processes.

At the end of his speech academician noted that, Azerbaijan science was set before several vital duties. Pursuant to demands of “Azerbaijan 2020: vision to future” Development Concept, execution of these duties should be continued, the academic capacity based on knowledge economy and high technologiesbe strenghten, and achieve close involving of Azerbaijani scientists in development of the country.

Later on, academician-secretary of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliyev responded questions on the report.

For the first time, “Golden medal on behalf of Nizami Ganjavi” was presented to nominators in the event.

For his monumental merits in development of Azerbaijan art and study of art, active member of ANAS, Poeple Artist Arif Jahangir oglu Melikov and for his chain of works in the sphere of formation structure of quantum dot heterostructures, fundamental research of their features and extracting new lasers based on them, including, personal contrubtion to Azerbaijan-Russia scientific-technical collaboration, active member of ANAS, Nobel Prize Laurate Jores Ivanovich Alfyorov were deserved the highest prize of ANAS. ANAS president awarded the scientists who distiungished for their merits in various scientific fields with Awards of ANAS on behalf of notable figures of Azerbaijan. Thus, nominators are as follows: acad. Jamil Aziz oglu Aliyev awarded with Award of ANAS on behalf of academician Mirasadulla Mirgasimov, acad. Telman Abbas oglu Aliyev - Award of ANAS on behalf of Nasiraddin Tusi, acad. Musa Ismayil oglu Rustamov - Award of ANAS on behalf of academician Yusif Mammadaliyev, acad. Teymur Amiraslan oglu Bunyadov - Award of ANAS on behalf of Abbasgulu aga Bakikhanov, corresponding member of ANAS Zemfira Yusif gizi Safarova - Award of ANAS on behalf of academician Uzeyir Hajibeyli, acad. Tariyel Huseynali oglu Talibov - Award of ANAS on behalf of Hasan bey Zardabi and Dr. Geology-mineralogy Mammad Isa oglu Chiragov awarded with Award of ANAS on behalf of academician Musa Aliyev.

Then, scientific lectures were delivered in the assembly. Chief of Spectroscopy of biopolymers and toxins lab of the Institute of Physics, Dr. Physics-math Ogtay Gasimov delivered a lecture on topic “Biophysical researches relied on physical methods and principles”, minister of communication and high technologues acad. Ali Abbasov on “Role and prospects of cosmic researches in development of Azerbaijan Republic”, first vice-president of SOCAR, active member of ANAS Khoshbakht Yusifzadeh on “Oil strategy of Azerbaijan and science”.

Establishment issues of ANAS Department of Humanities, Department of Social Sciences and Guba Regional Center were scheduled as well.

Elections were carried out for posts of academician-secretary of ANAS and academician-secretaries for scientific departments. According to the results of the voting acad. Rasim Aliguliyev has been endorsed the academic-secretary of ANAS, acad. Fakhraddin Gadirov -  academician-secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences, acad. Teymur Kerimli - Department of Humanities, acad. Dilgam Tagiyev – Department of Chemical Sciences, acad. Fuad Aliyev - Department of Ganja. In addition, corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov was charged the post of academician-secretary of the Department of Physical-Mathematics and Technical Sciences, and corresponding member of ANAS Nargis Akhundova - academician-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences.

By the decision of General assembly, annual report of ANAS was considered admissible.

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