Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.03.2022 17:06
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Academician Arif Hashimov: “The modern challenges of the world and the socio-economic development of the country in accordance with the new realities define new tasks for the spheres of humanitarian sciences in Azerbaijan”

Academician Arif Hashimov: “The modern challenges of the world and the socio-economic development of the country in accordance with the new realities define new tasks for the spheres of humanitarian sciences in Azerbaijan”

On March 3, at the Institute of literature, the Acting president of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov met with the general directors, executive directors and scientific secretaries of the scientific institutions of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences (DHS) of the Academy.

Opening the event, Vice-President of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that last year the activities of employees of the institute were high and the results of their research were reflected in more than 2 thousand articles and abstracts (20 journals with impact factor), more than 200 books, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids.

According to the academician, the section includes Azerbaijani literature, folklore, art, material and cultural monuments although important studies are carried out in the areas, the results obtained are subjected to double standards by the international journals with impact factor in the humanitarian sphere, which in turn negatively affects the performance of scientists of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences in the publications with impact factor. Academician Isa Habibbayli noted that due to this problem, the works of the employees of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences have little reference by their foreign colleagues.

Making proposals on the solution of the mentioned problems, the vice-president of ANAS emphasized the importance of creating a center to calculate the index of the published articles of our scientists throughout the republic. He also proposed to publish a journal in the english and russian languages covering the Divisions of Humanities and Social Sciences of ANAS.

Touching upon the International Relations of the Division, the speaker noted that there are close cooperation relations with Turkey, China, Pakistan and Central Asian countries and it is planned to open the Mehmet Akif Ersoy Center at the Institute of Literature soon. Later, the Acting president of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov said that in scientific institutions and organizations included in the Division of Humanitarian Sciences, important studies are carried out in the direction of research and promotion of ancient and rich culture, literary and artistic thought, material and intangible monuments, language, folklore, rich heritage of prominent cultural figures in accordance with modern theoretical and methodological views. According to academician Arif Hashimov, an important strategic direction of the activity of scientists working in the fields of Humanities in terms of service to the national statehood should be formed by the ideology of azerbaijanism laid down by National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

He said that the last period has determined new tasks for the humanitarian science fields in Azerbaijan, both the modern challenges of the world and the socio-economic and cultural and spiritual development of the country in line with the new realities: “It is important to carry out humanitarian research in terms of the development of scientific and theoretical foundations of the ideology of azerbaijanism and multiculturalism meetings at the level of modern requirements, research and promotion of the truth about the culture of Azerbaijan in the conditions of information war based on more conceptual and precise historical sources, as well as protection of national identity. At the same time, the optimal use of cultural resources in the restoration of the liberated territories, increasing the opportunities for the functionalization of the Azerbaijani language in the conditions of globalization, transliteration, translation and research of ancient manuscripts, the development of folklore studies in terms of protection of national values, the study of new technocultural processes in the internet environment, such are the idols.”

Academician Arif Hashimov stressed that, in order to achieve the above-mentioned goals, the scientific results obtained by scientists working in these fields of science and the cultural programs implemented, first of all, should be spent on the study of more optimal ways of stabilization of the statehood's thinking in national thinking, mobilizing national and moral values for our modern development. He noted that one of the main tasks for achieving all these goals is to coordinate the scientific activities of scientists and specialists working in various fields of social and humanitarian sciences, as well as to conduct scientific research on complex problem topics.

Then, academician Arif Hashimov brought to the attention the problems facing different fields of science in accordance with the global challenges of the modern era and national-moral, national-cultural requirements. According to him, in the field of literature, in particular, the study of the rich heritage of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi at the level of modern theoretical and methodological requirements should be further expanded, approaches containing human and national values should be promoted: "At the same time, specific steps should be taken in the direction of collecting, compiling and cataloging of Azerbaijan folklore, especially the development of socio-anthropological folklore. With the introduction of new innovative models and new ICT technologies, the development of museum studies, the improvement of research in the field of architecture and art should be carried out.”

At the end of his speech, academician Arif Hashimov said that scientific institutions and organizations of the humanitarian profile of ANAS have sufficient scientific potential and joint efforts should be increased to further actualize this potential and conduct research in the field of humanitarian science at the level of modern requirements.

Chairman of the Free Trade Union of ANAS, professor Habil Gurbanov, general director of the Institute of folklore, academician Mukhtar Imanov, general director of the Institute of manuscripts, academician Teymur Karimli, general director of the Institute of Architecture and art, corresponding member of ANAS Ertegin Salamzade, general director of the Institute of linguistics, professor Nadir Mammadli and general director of the Huseyn Javids House-Museum, doctor of philology Gulbaniz Babakhanli, in order to digitalize manuscripts, the Institute of manuscripts is equipped with appropriate equipment, the creation of a national scientometric base, training of qualified personnel, etc. they made their proposals in the directions.

At the end, academician Arif Hashimov said that the proposals voiced at the event will be included into the project of “Development strategy of Azerbaijani Science” for 2022-2030 years, congratulated the employees of the Division on the upcoming Novruz holiday and wished them success.

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