Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.05.2015 08:42
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Meeting at ANAS with United Nuclear Research Institute delegation

Meeting at ANAS with United Nuclear Research Institute delegation

Presidium Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) hosted the meeting with a delegation from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). The aim of the event was to meet with young specialists and to select among them those who will be sent on a long trip to JINR for joint research, and to discuss opportunities for cooperation in the field of nuclear physics, and to clarify the prospects for future joint work.

From the Russian side the event was attended by the head of the working group and JINR Scientific Secretary Nicholai Rusakovich, head of the JINR international cooperation Dmitry Kamanin, head of Information Technologies Lab, JINR Vladimir Korenkov, director of JINR University Centre Stanislav Pakulyak and from Azerbaijan - head of the JINR Azerbaijan group in ATLAS project Namig Javadov, head of the "Physics of High Energy" Lab of the Institute of Physics, correspondent member of ANAS Ovsat Abdinov, director of the Radiation Problems Institute, academician Adil Garibov and others.

Opened the event President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about the existing relations and cooperation between ANAS and JINR. Noted that the experience of the above-mentioned institutions in the field of nuclear physics is of interest to Azerbaijani scientists, head of the Academy expressed his confidence that the bilateral cooperation in the future will be just as effective.

Then Director of Institute of Physics, corresponding member of ANAS, Plenipotentiary Representative of Azerbaijan Republic to JINR Nazim Mammadov acted. He noted that, masters who entered to the master studies this year in July and August will hold a practice at the Institutes of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Geology and Geophysics, Molecular biology and Biotechnology of ANAS, as well as Baku branch of Moscow State University, JINR Center of Institute teaching and scientific practice.

Next Nikolai Rusakovich spoke about JINR and the Russian town of Dubna, where it is located, the structure, operating principles and areas of activity of the institute. N.Rusakovich noted that 18 countries are active members of the JINR. Since the Institute is an international research center, there are many works of foreign scientists. Also at the institute it is often possible to see authoritative scientists from many countries of the world. Most often there come young scientists to join this scientific environment.

N. Rusakovich also added that JINR doesn't submit to any ministry, it is operated by plenipotentiaries who are included into this committee. Meetings of committee are held twice in a year. And the main questions are discussed at these meetings. Scientific questions at institute are controlled by Scientific Council. Famous physicists from various countries of the world are the main part of Council. Also N. Rusakovich told about the laboratories functioning in JINR, the principle of their work and international relations of the institute.

Then participants of the meeting expressed their views on the prospects of cooperation between the two institutions.

At the final session, which was chaired by academician Akif Alizadeh was signed a protocol.

The protocol reflects the issues such as the increase in 2016 the number of bachelors, masters and PhD students sent for at JINR international schools and practice, a plan for joint commemorative events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of ANAS and the 60th anniversary of JINR, holding the exhibition on this regard, the announcement of joint projects of JINR and scientific institutions of Azerbaijan since 2015, etc.

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