Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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01.04.2022 20:58
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A meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held

A meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held

On April 1, the next meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held.

The meeting was attended by Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov and other members of the Presidium.

Firstly, academician Arif Hashimov presented the Honorary Diplomas of ANAS to academician Shahin Mustafayev on the occasion of their 60th anniversary, corresponding member of ANAS Novruz Guliyev and PhD in physics and mathematics Tamilla Hasanova on 70th anniversary, corresponding member of ANAS Vagif Guliyev on 65th anniversary.

The first issue on the agenda was the holding of the next General meeting of ANAS.

Speaking on the topic, academician Arif Hashimov said that at the General meeting it is planned to listen to the report of scientific departments on scientific and scientific-organizational activities of ANAS in 2021.

After a number of organizational discussions, the Presidium considered it expedient to hold the next General meeting of ANAS on April 22 of the current year in accordance with the Charter of ANAS and relevant instructions were given to demonstrate the achievements of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS at the General meeting.

At the meeting, in accordance with the proposals given by the leadership of ANAS during meetings with the scientific community of the sections, improvement of the structure of scientific departments and Presidium of ANAS, publication of the “Report Collection on the activities of ANAS in 2021”, admission to doctoral studies and dissertations of ANAS for 2022, in particular, March 27 – Relevant decisions have been made on awarding a group of employees of the Presidium administration, including a number of employees of the Institute of Microbiology with the Honorary Diploma of ANAS on the 50th occasion of the Science Day.

In addition, changes were made in part in the Scientific Council of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of ANAS, as well as in the Scientific Council of the Institute of Dendrology.

A number of personnel issues were also considered at the meeting.

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