Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.04.2022 09:25
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A new resident has been accepted to the High-Tech Park of ANAS

A new resident has been accepted to the High-Tech Park of ANAS

On April 12, the next Online Meeting of the Expert Council of ANAS High Technologies Park was held.

Chairman of the Expert Council, vice-president of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, members of the Council, general director of HT Park, PhD in economics Vasif Abbasov, a number of responsible persons, as well as representatives of the institution that applied for residency attended the meeting held on the platform “Zoom”.

Opening the event, Chairman of the Expert Council, academician Rasim Aliguliev brought to the attention the issue on the agenda of the meeting. He noted that the event was dedicated to the discussion of the project “Production and printing of polypropylene composite products with the application of high technology” presented by AK PACK Limited Liability Company (LLC) for registration as a resident in HT Park.

Then, the representative of “AK PACK” LLC Ismayil Karimov gave detailed information about the project presented by the enterprise to the Technopark for residency and the main activities of “AK PACK” LLC. He said that the project envisages the organization and development of the production area of polypropylene composite products to be used in the food industry. According to him, the aim of the project is to produce environmentally friendly, food products (dairy products, ice cream, cookies, etc.) consists of establishing and selling the production of quality composite products with polypropylene content used.

“From the point of view of ensuring foreign exchange reserves, it is necessary to develop industries equipped with new technologies that have no analogues in the republic,” Ismail Kerimov said, noting that the project planned to be implemented in the  High-Tech Park will contribute to the development of the production of polypropylene composite products based on innovative technologies, as well as the production of export-oriented products and partial prevention of the outflow of currency from the republic. He also provided detailed information about the equipment and printing machines that meet modern requirements applied during production.

The speaker noted that, along with local experts, it is planned to establish business activities in this area based on the experience of specialized companies in European countries, especially in Turkey, for the implementation of this project. Noting that the product is planned to be sold in foreign markets, the representative of the enterprise stressed that there will be no loss due to the recycling of raw materials to be used in the future. Ismayil Karimov also noted that cooperation with relevant institutions of ANAS will be established in this direction.

At the meeting, opinions and proposals on this issue were made: chairman of the Expert Council, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, secretary of the Council – general director of the Institute of Additive Chemistry, academician Vagif Farzaliyev, members of the Council – head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Physics, academician Javad Abdinov, general director of the Institute of Polymer Materials, corresponding member of ANAS Bakhtiyar Mammadov and executive director of the Institute of Information Technology, PhD in engineering, associate professor Rashid Alakbarov .

The discussions focused on the method of obtaining composite materials, selection of packaging equipment, advantages of using polypropylene products in food products, implementation of highly qualified personnel training in this field, application of competitive technologies in production, determination of prospects of involvement of Azerbaijani scientists in this work, establishment of cooperation with relevant research institutions of ANAS, as well as the emergence of there was an exchange of views on the issues, questions were answered.

General director of the High-Tech Park, PhD in economics Vasif Abbasov noted that Technopark constantly supports the development of such projects in our country, increasing innovative initiatives in society, as well as the formation of innovative entrepreneurship through the commercialization of science. During the election of new residents to the Technopark, preference was given to projects with the potential of joint implementation with the relevant institutions of ANAS. General director noted that the project presented by “AK PACK” LLC has the possibility of joint implementation with the Institutes of Polymer Materials, Chemistry of additives and petrochemical processes of ANAS.

Later, a vote was held on the admission of “AK PACK” LLC as a resident of HT Park. According to the results of the voting, it was decided to grant the said plaintiff resident status.

At the end, chairman of the Council, academician Rasim Aliguliyev expressed confidence that the enterprise will effectively use the scientific and intellectual potential of ANAS, will purposefully benefit from the privileges and privileges presented in HT Park and contribute to the development of the country's economy.

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