Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.05.2015 11:41
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Columbian diplomat visited Central Scientific Library

Columbian diplomat visited Central Scientific Library

Assaad Jose Gater Pena, Charge d’Affaires of Columbian embassy to Azerbaijan, visited Central Scientific Library (CSL). In advance, guest got familiar with book foundations of CSL, including editions belonging to culture, art and literature of South America in the Main book foundation.

In the meeting, director of CSL PhD in medical sciences Leyla Imanova provided information on the activity and international ties of the library. She put forward the initiative of implementing joint projects for strengthening promotion of Azerbaijan through Embassy and scientific organizations of Columbia as well as links between science and art fields of both countries.

Official of the embassy shared his cordial expressions on the meeting and he was submitted initial agreement on cooperation between Columbia National Library and CSL. Document conducts the organizing of exhibition reflecting science and art of Columbia in the library, data exchange via Columbia National Library, publishing the books of writers of the both countries in Azerbaijan and Spanish languages etc.

In closing, guest has donated Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s favorite publications translated into English and Spanish languages to the library. L. Imanova presented books portraying Azerbaijan's art and culture to the guest as well.

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