Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.06.2022 15:56
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ANAS celebrated the 110th anniversary of Academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov

ANAS celebrated the 110th anniversary of Academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov

On June 29, an international conference on “Modern Problems of mathematics and mechanics” dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Honored scientist, academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov started its work in the Great Hall of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

The international event was jointly organized by ANAS, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

Opening the conference, Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov appreciated the holding of the international conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of prominent scientist Ibrahim Ibrahimov at ANAS as a significant event. Saying that science and scientists have always been highly valued in our country, academician Arif Hashimov spoke about the services of Ibrahim Ibrahimov, who was a teacher of mathematics in Azerbaijan, in the development of young specialists in this field, shared his memories of the scientist. He said that not only in the former USSR, but all over the world, high scientific results were achieved in such areas as convergence theory of real and complex variable functions, interpolation theory, full functions theory, completeness of functions systems under the leadership of one of our well-known mathematicians Ibrahim Ibrahimov.

Noting the liberation of Karabakh under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-chief Ilham Aliyev, head of ANAS noted that the academician Ibrahim Ibrahimovs next anniversaries will be held on these lands.

At the end of his speech Arif Hashimov wished success to the work of the international conference on modern problems of mathematics and mechanics dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding scientist.

Then, general director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov made a report on “Life, scientific and pedagogical activity of Academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov”. He spoke about the invaluable merits of academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, the founder of the school of theory of functions in Azerbaijan in the development of mathematics. He said that Ibrahim Ibrahimov is the first Azerbaijani scientist who received the degree of candidate of sciences in mathematics. He was the author of more than 170 scientific works, a number of monographs and textbooks.

According to Misir Mardanov, the prominent scientist Ibrahim Ibrahimov was born in 1939, the famous Soviet mathematician, he successfully defended his candidate's thesis under the scientific leadership of A.Gelfond and in 1946-his doctoral dissertation. The scientist studied the completeness of some systems arranged by means of an analytical function and achieved classical results in the field of mathematical analysis. His textbooks “Fundamentals of the theory of numbers” were published in 1955, “Fundamentals of the theory of numbers” in 1957 and “Course of mathematical analysis” in 1962. Academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov in 1950-1952 translated into Azerbaijani a two-volume book “Differential and integral calculus” written by K.Rosse and I.Privalov for high schools.

The speaker noted that Ibrahim Ibrahimov was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, was the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, president of the Azerbaijan Mathematicians Society. The scientist's work has always been deservedly appreciated by our state, he was awarded the Honorary diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR and the order of “Friendship of peoples”, the laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the honorary title of “Honored scientist”.

"Under the leadership of Academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov, more than 40 candidates of sciences were trained and later 6 students received the degree of Doctor of Sciences. The scientist has always approached his students with high demand, made great efforts not only to increase their scientific potential, but also to form a personality and has become a worthy example for young people with his scientific and pedagogical activity,” said Misir Mardanov. The general director noted that his reports at a number of international conferences held in various countries of the world devoted to certain problems of mathematical science have always aroused wide interest among reputable scientists.

At the end of his speech, Misir Mardanov said that the outstanding scientist devoted his glorious life to the progress of mathematics. He noted that Ibrahim Ibrahimov will always live in the hearts of those who knew him as a person who, in addition to his principled, modesty and simplicity, was able to say his word decisively when he came to the place. Highly appreciating the scientist's contribution to the Azerbaijani science of mathematics, he stressed that the rich heritage he left after him will be studied for many years.

Vice-President of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, head of the Department of the Institute of Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, academician Asaf Hajiyev, head of the department of Baku State University, academician Yusif Mammadov, president of the Association “Heritage of Lotfi Zadeh and Artificial Intelligence”, corresponding member of ANAS Rafig Aliyev and founder of Khazar University, professor Hamlet Isakhanli made speeches at the conference and they told about the contribution and shared pleasant memories of the scientist.

It was noted that, academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov is one of the people who continued his life after his life. During his life he played an important role in the public and social life of the country, in the development of science and education. The scientist had great merits in teaching and organizing mathematics in higher schools of Azerbaijan. Today, Ibrahim Ibrahimov's students successfully follow his path and are engaged in the study of theoretical and practical issues of mathematics.

At the end, professor Saida Ibrahimova, the scientist's daughter, thanked the organizers and participants of the event for the high esteem shown in the memory of her father.

It should be noted that the three-day conference will continue its work in 8 sections, as well as 8 plenary reports.

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