Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.07.2015 09:13
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Regular meeting of ANAS Joint Council of Veterans

Regular meeting of ANAS Joint Council of Veterans

2nd Special Department of ANAS Presidium held the meeting of ANAS Joint Council of Veterans (JCV) on July 2.

The event, which was attended by the chairmen of the Council of Veterans of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, was opened by Chairman of the Board, corresponding member of ANAS Rafig Gasimov, who informed about the issues on the agenda.

Speaking about the care and attention provided to veterans at ANAS, Gasimov noted that veterans should be actively part in rising of prestige of the academy and in the development of the construction works.

JCV Chairman reported on the adoption of relevant decisions in connection of the organization of 70th anniversary of ANAS at the high-level, which will be celebrated in November.

He stressed that, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Academy, which is the highest scientific organization of the Republic, and it is a significant event in the scientific, cultural, social and public life.

The next speaker was head of the 2nd Special Department, Deputy Chairman of JCV Eldar Guliyev, who spoke about the activities implemented by the Council.

It was noted that, by the decision of the ANAS Presidium was established the relevant Commission for the appropriation the title of "Veteran of Labor" to individuals working at the scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS and the issuance of a certificate. Chairman of the commission is Vice-President of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Guliyev.

By the decision of Commission 400 employees were awarded by the title of "Veteran of Labor" and presented a certificate.

Speaking at the event, Chairman of ANAS Free Trade Union, Professor Isa Aliyev told about the role of the organization led by him in social and public life of the academy, the active participation of trade unions in solving socio-economic problems of the Academy staff.

Within the framework of the meeting, held the discussions on the issue concerning of veterans with low-income and non-recurring benefits working in the scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, the creation of conditions for their treatment and resting in sanatoria and health resorts, etc.

In summary were made remarks and offers on discussed issues.

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