Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.07.2015 13:30
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Nakchivan city hosted for the next assembly of ANAS Presidium

Nakchivan city hosted for the next assembly of ANAS Presidium

Today, next assembly of ANAS Presidium took place at the building of Nakhchivan city Executive Power. Assembly was attended by Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Mr. Vasif Talibov, delegation led by President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh, scientists and specialists, officials, including members of the mass media.

First, participants pilgrimaged the monument to national leader of Heydar Aliyev.

Then the guests visited the Nakhchivan Department of ANAS Institute of Bioresources and Natural Resources. They were given detailed information about the main activities of the Department, research carried out in the priority research areas, ongoing innovative projects and material-technical base of department.

Further, opening of the Centre for Distance Education of ANAS Nakhchivan Department took place. There was a direct video link with the scientists and specialists of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. The guests were informed about the activities of the center. It was noted that this center will become a bridge of science and education between Baku and Nakhchivan, as well as create opportunities for online seminars and conferences and the establishment of cooperation, both domestically and internationally.

Next began its work mobile session of the Presidium of ANAS. Opening session Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov emphasized the importance of scientific and historical significance of today's meeting. He praised the achievements of Azerbaijan science, the resulting complex activities carried out in recent years under the leadership of Akif Alizadeh.

The next speaker was the president of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh, who on behalf of his delegation expressed gratitude to Vasif Talibov for the cordial welcome. Assessing the holding of a meeting in Nakhchivan Department as a very significant event, the head of ANAS expressed confidence in the effective conduct of the session on the activities of Nakhchivan Department, as well as a number of research conducted here.

Stating that the Academy for three years entered a new historical stage characterized by reforms, the president spoke about the ongoing large-scale works, structural changes and innovations in the field of human resources. It was noted that last year there was a significant event not only in the life of the Academy, but also in the scientific and public life of the country as a whole: the elections were successfully conducted over corresponding and active members of ANAS. Very pleased that, new members from Nakhchivan Department were elected as well. It will contribute to further strengthening Nakhchivan scientific capacity, which is the intellectual avant-garde of scientific elite, and in its direct ensuring interests of the autonomous republic.

Ismayil Hajiyev added that one of the main priority areas of Nakhchivan branch was to identify research areas and themes. In this area were carried out some work, the main priorities have been recognized by the study of archeology, ethnography, socio-political, socio-economic and cultural history of Nakhchivan, natural resources, biodiversity, material and spiritual heritage of the region, as well as the collection, cataloging and study of ancient books manuscripts.

Speaking about the attention that is increasing staff potential separation, the academician said that in 2006 in the Nakhchivan branch was created Defense Council on 3 specialties, including increase of working number of scientific personnel to get a degree. As a result, were trained more than 15 Doctors of Sciences, more than 50 PhDs, Associate Professors and Professors. Also in 2003, 2007 and 2014 in elections to ANAS by Nakhchivan Branch was elected 3 academicians and 12 corresponding members.

It was announced statistical data related to the scientific publications of department for 12 years (2003-2014). About 5600 scientific papers, including 100 monograph, 133 books, 4073 scientific articles, theses and other publications were published.

In 2013-2014, 14 employees of Nakhchivan department obtained 21 patents, 31 employees won 12 projects in the grants of international and republican level.

Over the past period, Nakhchivan department expanded international relations established cooperation with scientific institutions in the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Turkey, Italy, Hungary, New Zeland, Poland, etc.

The report was approved. ANAS Presidium also passed a resolution on the implementation of appropriate measures in order to strengthen the material-technical base of the Nakhchivan department, equipping laboratories with modern instruments and equipment, expansion of relations of science and industry, as well as strengthening international scientific relations of the department, joint preparation and publication of the "Geography of Nakhchivan" (in two volumes) with the Institute of Geography of ANAS.

Further, director of the Institute of Bioresources of ANAS Nakhchivan Department, Academician Tariel Talibov delivered a report on "Herbs of Nakhchivan". He noted that, biodiversity of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic includes more than 1,200 useful plants, including about 750-800 species of herbs, of which 132 species belonging to 48 families and 105 genera, are officially recognized herbs which are used in medicine for centuries.

Academician Tariel Talibov said that, Nakhchivan has a large number of natural reserves of 30 of the 88 species of wild herbs.  Studied and marked the maps of the zone of these 30 species, their natural resources and the possibility of exploitation. 11 species of plants are listed in the Red Book of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as rare plants. There are also 27 useful plant groups. These include the essential oil, medicines, flavonoid, tanning, ornamental and other groups. Among them there are many endemic and relict plants.

The report was approved by the Presidium.

Then was heard a report by the head of department of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Nakhchivan Department, corresponding member of ANAS Vali Bakhshaliyev on "Study of archaeological monuments of Nakhchivan". The report noted that recent archaeological studies in the territory of Nakhchivan presented in the systematic form. Thanks to years of research in various archaeological expeditions in Gamigaya, Oghlangala, Ovchular Tepesi, Kharaba-Gilan, Kultepe I, Kultepe II, Meydantepe, etc., have been studied dozens of archaeological sites belonging to different periods, with the result that obtained valuable information played an important role in the study of ancient history, not only the region but also Azerbaijan as a whole.

As a result of V.Bakhshaliyev’s researches was revealed that the ancient geography of Nakhchivan covered a large portion of western Azerbaijan, including Goyche basin and areas from the south of Araz.

In closing, Presidium of ANAS sounded their recommendations and suggestions on the reports, made appropriate decisions.

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