Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


09.10.2015 08:58
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Issues related to preparations for the International Forum "Week of academic science-2015” discussed

Issues related to preparations for the International Forum "Week of academic science-2015” discussed

The regular meeting of the Board of Young Scientists and Specialists  of ANAS was held.

At the meeting, Chairman of the Board, PhD in Physics, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov said that on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS, the organization headed by him will host the International multidisciplinary Forum "Week of academic science-2015”. It was noted that in the framework of the forum with the participation of scientists, representatives of public and private businessmen and the media will be organized panel discussions on topical issues. It is also planned to hold a conference of young scientists in the four priority areas of science. The forum was adopted a total of about 260 abstracts. Currently expert evaluation of abstracts is being held. After completion of the evaluation process in the plenary and panel sessions of the conference will be listened reports and announced the names of the young foreign and domestic scientists. Abstracts, meet all the requirements will be published in a bulk.

F.Salmanov noted that as a contribution to the 70th anniversary of ANAS, in prestigious secondary schools in the republic has began the process of creating parts of science by individual departments of the Academy.

The meeting also discussed issues related to the amendments and additions to the charter of the Board of young scientists and specialists, the adoption of articles for the next issue of the journal "Young Researcher", news updates to the site

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