Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.11.2015 16:26
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“Academic science week – 2015” International Multidisciplinary Forum launched

“Academic science week – 2015” International Multidisciplinary Forum launched

“Academic science week – 2015” International Multidisciplinary Forum devoted to the 70th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science launched at the Presidium on November 2.

Attending the forum President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh stressed the importance of the event and stated that it is a gift for 70th anniversary of ANAS by Young Scientists and Specialists Council.

Forum attaches importance in terms of debates to be held by young scientists, enlighteners of various countries of the world, and for the first time interactive discussions will be organized within the Forum in an academy. Key target of the debates is to analyze state-of-the-art challenges via research and higher institutions of the republic, relevant ministries, foundations supporting science development, business entities and media representatives and to achieve solutions. Discussions to be preared in urgent topics will be involved notable scientific and public figures as an expert, noted A.Alizadeh. 

In 2015, admission to master studies of academy was announced and currently 156 masters’ degree operates here according to different directions, stated academician.

Within the forum, will be held an international conference due to provide the organizing of global leveled discussions for multidisciplinary scientific priorities that are of particular importance in a modern era and closely participating of the young in these discussions.

Chancellor of Baku State University, Academician Abel Maharramov, Chancellor of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Dr. Economy Adalat Muradov, and President of AR National Confederation of Enterprenurs Organizations Mammad Musayev spoke about state care and attention to science development and whished successes to the work of Forum.

Chairman of Young Scientists and Specialists Council, PhD in physics-math senior lecturer Famin Salmanov noted that, “Academic science week – 2015” International Multidisciplinary Forum aimed to raise intellectual level of young scientist and specialists, and underpin their international collaboration.

Forum contuined its work in panels.

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