Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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28.01.2016 09:40
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Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS presented report

Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS presented report

On January 27, regular meeting of the Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held. The event was listened report on the results of the Department of Chemical Sciences (DCS) in 2015. Academician-secretary of Department, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev informed about scientific and scientific-organizational activity of DCS, as well as theoretical and applied researches.

Academician Dilgam Tagiyev said that the institutions of the department carried out research works on 46 topics covering 13 problems, and completed 4 topics in science and basic research, which were conducted in collaboration with higher education institutions of the republic, received 16 important results, 5 works have been applied. On the specialized defense boards of the department institutions were defended 22 theses for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 8 theses - for a degree of Doctor of Science. Currently, the department institutes trained 69 doctoral students: 22 – to intramural, 47 extramural.

Then at the meeting were given statistics on scientific publications. It was noted that last year the chemists prepared and published eight books and monographs, articles of employees of institutions have been published in journals with impact factor. The scientific results obtained by employees, obtained results were published not only at conference materials of national scale, but also in the materials of international conferences, congresses and symposia. The speaker stressed that in 2015 published 1,126 articles and abstracts, 485 of which were published in abroad, including in the CIS countries, obtained 22 patents and grants from the Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan Republic.

Also at the event were given extensive information about the tasks and activities implemented for the execution of orders and instructions of the President and the Presidium of ANAS. It was noted that during the meeting held with the Working Group on "Azerkimya" of SOCAR under the Development Concept "Azerbaijan 2020: vision to the future" discussed the program of action to address issues that may arise in the production of regional products based on polyethylene, polypropylene , urea and methanol. Together with the Center for Innovation of ANAS has been prepared a business project for the receipt and use of polymeric sorbents with high efficiency in purification of water from petroleum and petroleum products; It was represented at the competition for the best "Business Project" in the framework of GUAM and the Presidium of ANAS. A simple technology of processing of byproduct of the ethylene which produced by devices EP-300 - light and heavy tar was elaborated, positive influence of ferrocene to diesel fuel through synthesizing was confirmed in Baku Oil Refinery named after Heydar Aliyev.

Academician reported on international scientific relations of the department in the reporting year. It was set up joint laboratories between the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after academician M.F.Nagiyev of ANAS and International Physical Center of Donostia called "Advanced materials for spintronics and quantum computing", as well as between the aforementioned Institute of ANAS and Technical University in Germany, Institute of Heat Mass Transfer of Belarusian Academy of Sciences and British University of Huddersfield entitled "Basic research in the field of synthesis and the use of catalysts based on carbon nano materials derived from petroleum caustobiolites".

It was noted that in the past year Institute of Mechanics of Metal-Polymer Systems of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS made an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation "Modification and processing of the materials of the polymer composition, the study of their structure and physico-mechanical properties," including Institute of Organic Chemistry on behalf N.D.Zelinsky of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS - agreement on "Development of new monomers, oligomers and polymers of the functional group, the novel compositions based on them." It was stressed that the signing of memorandums of joint with international organizations, research work laid the foundation for important research.

In the report was mentioned about winner scientists of the department. Last year, a number of scientists and specialists have been awarded the Prize of ANAS named after Yusif Mammadaliyev for his achievements in the field of advanced production systems for the catalytic cracking process, the award named after academician Murtuza Nagiyev for the youth and the award named after academician Ali Guliyev, medals and diplomas on behalf N.S.Kurnakov of the Russian Academy of Sciences "for their great contribution to the development of physico-chemical analysis and the preparation of new functional materials." Meanwhile, by the orders of the head of state department scientists were awarded the personal scholarships of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the order "Shohrat" Medal "Taraggi," and the honorary title "Honored engineer". On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS, 26 employees were awarded honorary diplomas of the Department of Chemistry.

The report was approved by the decree of the Presidium and the statistics were taken into account and included in the annual report of ANAS.

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