Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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16.02.2016 11:01
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“Historical and Ethnographic Atlas of Nakhchivan - Dede Gorgud homeland” to be prepared

“Historical and Ethnographic Atlas of Nakhchivan - Dede Gorgud homeland” to be prepared

According to the work plan for 2016 of the Knowledge Foundation under Chairman of Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is provided the preparation of the “Historical and Ethnographic Atlas of Nakhchivan - Dede Gorgud homeland”. In connection with this was held the "round table" in Nakhchivan Department of ANAS.

Chairman of the Department, Academician Ismayil Hajiyev noted that, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 20, 2015 "On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud"" epos, the first translation and publication in German and the Order of Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic "On approval of the Action Plan devoted to the 200th anniversary of the first translation and publication of "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud" epos in German" in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated July 25, 2015 held a series of events in this direction in the Autonomous Republic.

Academician I.Hajiyev noted that, the "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud" epos is a monument of art, reflecting the grand historical background of the Azerbaijani people.

Speaking about the geographical areas, mentioned in the epic, Chairman of the Department said that, fixing indicated in the "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud" epos numerous toponyms in the territory of Nakhchivan is a further confirmation of the fact that, this region is the native land of Oguz.

This important fact - a strong response to the Armenians, imposed the notorious territorial claims to Nakhchivan.

The epic is a historical source, which contains information about the history, ethnogenesis, lifestyle, customs and traditions of the Oguz Turks.

From this point of view, the preparation of the "Historical and Ethnographic Atlas of Nakhchivan - Dede Gorgud homeland" is important.

The Chairman noted that, the atlas will be deeply studied the relationship of the epos "Kitabi-Dede Gorkud" with Nakhchivan, on the basis of ancient lifestyles, life, psychology, dialects and folklore materials will find reflection in the area of distribution of Oguzname.

At the event also reported the Director of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archaeology of Department, corresponding member of ANAS Fakhraddin Safarli, Director of the Institute of Art, Language and Literature, corresponding member of ANAS Abulfaz Guliyev and others, who shared their thoughts on the topic.

In conclusion, Academician Ismayil Hajiyev said that, the main purpose of the development of the Atlas is the extensive promotion of epos "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud" and a more profound study of the heritage of Dede Gorgud.

Currently, work is continuing on the preparation of the atlas.

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