Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.02.2016 15:10
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Germany set up research opportunities for young scientists

Germany set up research opportunities for young scientists

Council of Young Scientists and Specialists jointly organized by Baku Information Centre of German Academic Exchange Service held a seminar at electronic assembly hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami on 24 February.

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Council, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov said that, the main goal of the young scientists and researchers is to get familiar with international programs, requirements, procedures for the preparation of the first draft of the scientific-research, project types and main research areas and so on.

Then, Director of Baku Information Centre of German Academic Exchange Service Ms.Stefanie Dufaux delivered the topic on "Research in Germany". Ms. Stefanie Dufaux gave detailed information on organization led by her and noted that, the organization of the German Academic Exchange Service is the largest organization in the world supporting the international exchange of students and scientists. Started activity since 1925, CAES provided also financial support to over 1,5 million to scientists and students of Germany and other countries. She noted that, the main purpose of the structure is to establish and strengthen academic relations with other countries through the exchange of students and scientists. Also informed about scholarship programs, S. Dufaux reported that, the CAES offers scholarships to students and graduates, including young scientists and doctoral students, as well as courses for learning languages. She told about the rules of admission to doctoral study and conduct research work at Germany as well as scholarship opportunities.

Next, employer of international Office Dr. Ulrich Eberhart delivered a presentation on education in the University Siegen, Germany which he represented.

The workshop also discussed and responded questions about various scholarship programs.

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