Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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09.03.2016 17:08
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ANAS held scientific-practical conference in language of advertisement

ANAS held scientific-practical conference in language of advertisement

On March 9, main building of ANAS hosted a scientific-practical conference “Language and style issues of ads” organized by Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi in accordance “State Program on the use of Azerbaijan language under globalization meet with demands of era and development of linguistics in the country” approved by the Order of President Ilham Aliyev dated April 9, 2013.

In the event acting director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Nagisoylu made speech on done work, and stated that, program aims to increase state care for use and research of Azerbaijan language, usage of native language meet with demands of era under globalization, substantially improve studies in linguistics in the country, merge creative efforts directed to development of fundamental and applied studies in leading directions of linguistics and coordinate linguistics with topical problems of a society. 

Language development does not depend only on writers, journalists and academics, linguists. The official language should be developed in all structures, on radio and TV, in various mass media, in government, in a personal communication.

Every citizen must control his speech. In this area, first, a great responsibility falls on the people working on a television. One of the main tasks of the program is the development of the Azerbaijani language in the context of globalization in accordance with the requirements of the time, his defense and the wider use of electronic space, as well as the creation of a mechanism of linguistics in the country. State Program approved by the relevant decree of the head of state is a valuable and important document.

Head of the Department of the Institute of Monitoring, Professor Gulu Maharramli spoke about the role of the existing problems, and typical shortcomings encountered in using of literary language in various spheres, as well as the prevention of the "Hot Line" of violations of language norms, made during the demonstration advertisements. He emphasized the importance of monitoring aimed at eliminating the language shortcomings.

At the conference following papers were presented "Advertising place in modern communication system, their impact on the linguistic and cultural processes", "Design problems in advertising", "Language features advertising, publishing, TV and radio", "Violation of language norms in street advertisements and posters", "Multimedia network and actual problems of the advertising language", "Outgoing transfers of language disorders in advertisements".

Further, were held discussions on the reports and responded questions.

Also put forward a number of proposals and recommendations to eliminate existing deficiencies.

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