Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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08.04.2016 18:33
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3rd International scientific conference “Genocides against Turkic-Muslim population in Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia” held in Shamakhy

3rd International scientific conference “Genocides against Turkic-Muslim population in Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia” held in Shamakhy

3rd International scientific conference “Genocides against Turkic-Muslim people in Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia” co-organized by ANAS Presidium, Institute of History of ANAS named after A.Bakikhanov, Ataturk Studies Center of the Republic of Turkey (ASC) and Shamakhy region Executive Power, was held at the Educational Center of Ministry of Taxes in Shamakhy city, on April 8.

In advance, martyrs, who died in the frontline as a result of recent provocations of Armenians, were cherished for a minute of silence, National Anthem was sounded.

President Assistant for Social-Political Affairs Ali Hasanov delivered President Ilham Aliyev’s message to the participants. Message conducted to take deep study of the most terrible bloodshed against humanity.

Ali Hasanov also brought to mind that only Azerbaijanis 4 times in the XX century - 1905-1906, 1918-1920, 1948-1953 and 1988-1993 were subjected to genocide and ethnic cleansing. Facts of the genocide, which had hidden in the archives and ruined for many years, dark pages of history have to be explored in more detail, truths should be delivered to the international community. In this term, event has scientific and political importance. In future, such type of international scientific conferences should be carried out in other regions, where this terrible tragedy had happened, historical facts should be removed and delivered, he said.

Later on, Vice-President of ANAS Academician Isa Habibbayli told about planned cleansing and genocide policy perpetrated by Armenians through centuries, bloodsheds committed by them, and stressed out the significance of holding such events in exposing Armenian forgery.

Academician noted that, the conference has already been held for the third time was one of the steps towards recognizing of genocides committed against Turkic-Muslim population. Event brings together scientists from Turkey, Germany, Albania, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Poland and Russia in addition to Azerbaijan. Conference aims to gather scientists, studying genocides committed against Azerbaijanis throughout history and deliver their opinions to the world, he added.

Academician Isa Habibbayli appreciated the works done by a special commission, created at the academy dubbed “Study of genocides committed against Azerbaijanis” as well.

Director of the Institute of History corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov highlighted that, discussions, which held at the event serve to remove of new historical facts.

In 1914-1918, genocides committed against the Turkic- Muslim population of Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia by terrorist-extremist Armenian organizations with support of the great states are the worst genocides in the history of the world: "In the history of world, there is not a coincidence to the fact that the destruction of the civil, unarmed population, including children, women and elderly people mercilessly, humiliated honor and feelings with most brutal methods by Armenians in the years 1914-1918”, he said.

Mahmudov noted that, due to historical conditions, objective assessment of tragedies of the last two centuries was impossible. Only in the period of independence, by national leader Heydar Aliyev’s Decree "On Genocide of Azerbaijanis" dated March 26, 1998, March 31 was declared the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis and Armenian chauvinists’ criminal deeds were assessed political and legal.

Then, head of Shamakhy Executive Power Asif Agayev, representative of the Ataturk Studies Center Selma Yel, director of the Research Institute for History, Economy and Law, Russian Federation Igor Turitsin, chairman of Nakchivan Department of ANAS Academician Ismayil Hajiyev and others reported at the event and expressed their hope in adopt out genocide facts as a result of joint effort by historians from various countries.

At the conference ANAS Institute of History and relevant research institutions of Russia signed agreements on joint studies and cooperation vistas.

Appeal to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted at the event as well.

Conference run over following sections: "Genocides in the Caucasus during the First World War", "Genocides against the Muslim population in the Northern Azerbaijan (1918-1920 years)" and "Genocide against the Muslim population in the Eastern Anatolia, Urmia and Salmas regions (1914-1920)".

Event attendees were distributed the book dubbed “Ethnic cleansing and genocide against Azerbaijanis” by President Assistant for Social-Political Affairs, Dr. History Professor Ali Hasanov, which published in Azerbaijani, Russian and English.

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