Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.05.2016 13:39
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Academician Tofig Hajiyev’s 80th anniversary celebrated

Academician Tofig Hajiyev’s 80th anniversary celebrated

Today, at the main building of ANAS, a scientific session devoted to 80th anniversary of notable turkologist, Emeritus Member of Turkic Languages and History, Honored Scientist Academician Tofig Hajiyev was organized by Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi.

Opening the event Vice-President of ANAS Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that, the great scientist Tofig Hajiyev, one of the founders of the linguistics school of Azerbaijan in the XX century. Tofig Hajiyev was involved in all areas of linguistics and has achieved significant scientific achievements. His scientific research results published in the world’s most influential scientific journals, works were used as an internationally respected scientific source. Scientist defended PhD thesis on “Jabrayil dialect of Azerbaijan language" in 1962 while doctoral thesis on "Azerbaijan literary language at the beginning of the XX century” in 1969.

According to the Vice-President of ANAS, Hajiyev’s PhD thesis included into the history of Turkic linguistics, as the first scientific study on the switching accents in Azerbaijan linguistcs. His two-volume "History of the Azerbaijani language", "The fate of the Azerbaijani language" works that devoted to the centuries-old history of our literature can be considered masterpieces of the history of linguistics.

“T.Hajiyev laid the school of linguistics in Azerbaijan by monumental works and trained students”, said reporter and noted that, scientist has dedicated a great portion of his life for training of new staff in BSU. Scientist has also engaged in preparation of “History of Azerbaijan literature” book.

Presidium of ANAS, Departments of Humanities and Social Sciences made a decision o development of 7-volume of T.Hajiyev’s works. Meanwhile, book, monograph and bulk of articles are under prep by ANAS at present, added Isa Habibbayli.

Then, acting director of the Institute of Linguistics corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Naghisoylu made a presentation on “Tofig Hajiyev’s merits in study of history of the Azerbaijan literary language”. Scientist stressed out that, Tofig Hajiyev, one of the notable scientists of the Turkic world, PhD in Philology, Academician with order “Shohrat”, is one of the great faces of Azerbaijan linguistics chronicle. Having had fruitful scientific activity Tofig Hajiyev was known as a innovative scientist-linguist not only in Azerbaijan, but also in entire Turkic world. His scientific research mainly covers language history, common Turkic language and translation issues.

Event was continued with lectures made by chief of Ataturk Center, corresponding member of Nizami Jafarov on “Academician Tofig Hajiyev: a great scientist, teacher and social figure”, director of the Institute of Folklore corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov “Tofig Hajiyev and Kitabi-Dede Gorgud”, Professor Elbrus Azizov “Notable scientist and a great teacher”.

In closing, scientist’s son Azer Hajiyev expressed his gratitude to the event organizers and participants for deep respect to his father’s memory.

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