Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.06.2016 17:19
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Next assembly of the Department of Earth Sciences held

Next assembly of the Department of Earth Sciences held

On June 3, next assembly of the Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS was held at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

Academician-Secretary of the Department, Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov opened the meeting and introduced the participants with the issues of agenda.

First issue of agenda was awarding a three-volume monograph “The Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan” the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Science.

President of ANAS director of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics Academician Akif Alizadeh stated that, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an order in presenting State Prizes in science and literature for 2016, on May 26. Under order, scientists of the Institute of Geography – director Academician Ramiz Mammadov, Deputy Director of Science corresponding member of ANAS Prof. Elbrus Alizadeh, PhD in Geography Maharram Hasanov and Dr. Geography Zakir Eminov were deserved to State Prize in Science for their tree-volume monograph “Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

The publication of this monograph, which is a unique in a science of geography, aims to present country's natural-geographic, economic, geographic, geographical features to the public. "The physical geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan", which is the first volume of trilogy accompanied with numerous maps, graphs and diagrams, analyzes and explores country’s geographical position, orography, study history, geological structure, mineral resources, paleogeography, geomorphology, climate, inland waters, soil and vegetation landscapes, and features of the Caspian Sea based on the latest scientific and theoretical and methodological views. "The Economic, Social and Political Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan", the second volume, has dedicated to the study of country's economic, political and socio-demographic problems, and development of elaborating proposals and recommendations for elimination of their causes. “The Regional Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, the third volume of the trilogy, studies the physical-economic and geographical characteristics of regions and development prospects. Meanwhile, are explored the solving of economic and geographic issues arising from the state programs on development of the regions and the implementation of these programs, including, important issues ensuring the sustainable economic development of the republic and country’s food security, noted President Akif Alizadeh.

Academician Akif Alizadeh congratulated the awarded staff of the Institute of Geography and wished them successes in further scientific activities.

Speaking on behalf of the awardees director of the Institute of Geography Academician Ramiz Mammadov thanked to ANAS management for care and attention also highlighted that, this prize is a joint profit of all staff of the institute.

Later on, Deputy Director of the Institute corresponding member of ANAS Elbrus Alizadeh made a presentation on "The modern landscape-geomorphological complexes of Azerbaijan, eco-geographical risks and dangers caused by natural-destructive processes”.

Today's global climate change and anthropogenic pressures on the Earth's natural geo systems is growing. This in turn creates eco dynamic tensions in a geographical environment that never observed before, said the deputy director of science at the Institute of Geography and stated: “In the light of global climate change, state-of-the-art of landscape-geomorphologic geo systems, which formed under natural tensed condition, digital deencryption of new methods and techniques - aero and space images, their analyze in ArcGIS environment, etc were investigated at the institute.”

Lecturer brought to mind the development of large and middle scaled maps: “Modern landscape of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, and “Geomorphologic map of the Republic of Azerbaijan” for the first time.

The scientist drew attention the exploring of development dynamics of the sliding process in the territory of Baku, and revealing of spread areal of sliding-destruction by taking into account the perspective progress plan of the capital. He stressed that currently, existing landslides are of only 10-20 percent of the areas, which had predicted for the first time.

Elbrus Alizadeh also stressed out that, landscape-ecological assessments of different content and directions have been carried out in the country’s geo complexes by processing the obtained complex data.

Lecture was widely discussed.

Assembly scheduled the staff problems. Several employees of the Institute of Geography were defined to the vacancies of leading and senior researchers.

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