Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Science Development Foundation to hold high-level experts meeting on "Horizon-2020" program
13.10.2016 12:47
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Science Development Foundation to hold high-level experts meeting on "Horizon-2020" program

Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be organized the international event "Workshop for the Participation of Non-EU Black Sea and EaP Countries in Thematic cofund Eranets & Jpis" for Science, Technology and Innovation on October 13-14 in Baku.

The event will be held within "Black Sea Horizon" (BSH) and "EaP PLUS" projects acting within the scope the well-known program of the European Union for research and innovation "Horizon-2020" with the participation of the structures within the zone of the European research network, as well as representatives and experts Black Sea and the Eastern partnership countries that are not members of the European Union.

Co-organizer of the event is valid in Greece "Center for research and support for regional and international science, technology and innovation".

Science Development Foundation participates in projects "Black Sea Horizon" and "EaP PLUS" as a structure. Taking into account the effective operation of Science Development Foundation, the decision to conduct this meeting in Baku was adopted at the General Assembly of the BSH project, wich was held in Vienna in June of this year.

Event will be attended by well-known experts from Europe (Austria, Greece, Germany, Italy, Holland, Russia, Georgia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey) and Azerbaijan.

At the meeting, which will last 2 days, will be delivered reports on the prospects of scientific cooperation between the countries of the European Union and the scientists of the Black Sea basin and the Eastern Partnership, which are not members of the European Union on joint ways of resolving within Europe on various research programs (cultural heritage, bioeconomy , materials science, global climate issues and Urban demography) by ERA.NET, will provide information about the experience of the Eastern partnership countries and discussed the current state, problems and prospects of success.

The event is expected to involve a representative of the European Union in Azerbaijan, ambassadors of Greece and Austria.

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