Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.03.2017 17:35
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Lankaran Regional Scientific Center of ANAS Reported for 2016

Lankaran Regional Scientific Center of ANAS Reported for 2016

At a regular meeting of the ANAS Presidium, which took place on March 15, Director of the Lenkoran Regional Scientific Center, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Farman Guliyev reported on the scientific and scientifical-organizational activities of the center.

Farman Guliyev spoke about the organization in the southern region of research works that are fundamental and innovative in nature, events to study the history, culture, customs and traditions of the region, etc.

Director of the center noted that, it is necessary to collect and study in the region more yielding varieties and forms, to create by selection new varieties and forms with better genetic indicators. The scientist said that there was a need to create a genetic collection garden of citrus fruits, tea, subtropical crops, plants with green sheath and technical crops that are available in individual household and farming, grown recently by classical methods and the method of selection cloning, and studying them economically -Biological features.

The reporter noted that for this purpose a cooperation agreement was signed with the Research Institute of Horticulture and Tea Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Farman Guliyev also spoke about the international relations of the center: "In the year under review, joint research work was started with the relevant organizations of China and Iran to grow tea, citrus and other subtropical crops. An agreement was reached with China to study new technologies for the exchange of tea gene pools, its processing and other issues.

In addition, signing protocols of intent with the Scientific Research Institute of Tea and Subtropical Crops of Georgia and some research institutions of Turkey is envisaged. "

Director noted that, in 2016 in local and foreign journals were published three articles of the center's staff and one monograph.

After listening of the report, were held discussion and the report was approved by the Presidium decision. The Lankaran Regional Scientific Center was commissioned to allocate land plots in Lenkoran, Astara, Masalli and Lerik districts for scientific research, conduct joint scientific research and economic work using land and other resources of scientific institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture operating in the region, carry out activities, aimed to obtain products from fruit, subtropical, vegetable and other crops grown in specific soil and climatic conditions of the region, by processing them taking into account high qualitative indicators, to raise an application for the provision of the center with a biochemical laboratory and a mini line to the relevant executive bodies - processing tea for transfer and mastering advanced technologies, etc.

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