Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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25.04.2017 17:01
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Meeting with delegate of Russian newspaper “Poisk”

Meeting with delegate of Russian newspaper “Poisk”

Today, President of ANAS Academician Akif Alizadeh has received first deputy-editor of the newspaper “Poisk” of Russian Academy of Sciences  – Yelizaveta Ponarina. The meeting aimed to be acquainted with ANAS High-Tech Park and joint cooperation.

In advance, Academician A.Alizadeh informed about HTP of ANAS and noted that, it has been established by the Order of AR President Ilham Aliyev dated November 8, 2016 and aims at boosting of scientific innovative projects and science commercialization. HTP develops together with similar techno parks, locating in Baku and Sumgayit.

According to the scientist, though being at the initial stage of development this park is considered an analytical brain center of ANAS and awarded several certificates. Here domestic scientists cooperate via Czech, Russian and Bulgarian scientists. Petrochemical and technical directions are mainstreamed in this park.

Then, A. Alizade noted that, studies in the priority fields such as biotechnology, biomedicine, gen engineering, molecular biology are carried out in ANAS. Currently, complex measures are taken due to create scientific business by bringing together fundamental sciences and business, he said.

Scientist stated that, in May of current year a competition will be held for academic title “Professor of ANAS”. The competition can be attended by doctors of sciences up to age 50, having special merits in implementation of main duties and functions of ANAS. The key goal is to select further corresponding members of ANAS among young scientific staff.

In closing, A. Alizade invited the guest to attend at the General Meeting of ANAS to be held on April 28.

First deputy-editor of the Russian newspaper “Poisk” – Yelizaveta Ponarina highly appreciated studies held in ANAS, innovative projects and multifaceted activities of HTP and stated her willingness to cooperate with academy.

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