Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


15.05.2017 14:09
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International conference devoted to the urgent problems of modern nature sciences held at the Ganja Branch of ANAS

International conference devoted to the urgent problems of modern nature sciences held at the Ganja Branch of ANAS

International conference devoted to the “Urgent problems of modern nature sciences” devoted to the 94th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the Ganja Branch of ANAS.

Conference was attended by scientists of Turkey, France, Spain and other foreign countries in addition to CIS countries.

At the event, head of Ganja city Executive Power Elmar Veliyev spoke of valuable life way of national leader Heydar Aliyev, who has founded the independent Azerbaijan state, and his crucial decisions made during governing the country.

Then, chairman of Ganja Branch Academic Fuad Aliyev stressed out the importance of the holding conference in the ancient science and culture center – Ganja city. He stated that, a great development stage of ANAS is associated with the name of Heydar Aliyev.

Afterwards, chief department of Matter Structure of Baku State University, an active member of Russian Academy of Nature Sciences Eldar Mesimov delivered a lecture on topic “The role of water in biological systems”, a leading researcher of same department Gazanfar Bayramov “Study of composites based on nematic liquid crystals” etc.

The urgent problems of inorganic and organic chemistry, botany, ecology, microbiology, geography and nature sciences, were discussed at the event.

In closing, declamation of the international conference was accepted.

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