Next seminar-training of the 2nd Special Department of ANAS was held
Opening the meeting, which was attended by Chiefs of Staff of the Civil Defense (CD) of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, head of Division Eldar Guliyev brought to the attention of the issues on the agenda.
E.Guliyev informed that, in the current year a number of measures were taken to organize Civil Defense in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, planning measures of Civil Defense and their implementation.
He added that, for this purpose, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Institute of Geography, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography conducted inspections, compiled and submitted to the leadership of the institutions of reference. The head of the department stressed that the shortcomings found during the inspections were immediately eliminated, and the state of work of the Civil Defense and Military Accounting is considered satisfactory.
Then, on the basis of annual reports, a report on the state of Individual Protection funds in scientific institutions and organizations was heard. In his speech, the chief specialist of the department Oktay Farzaliyev brought to the attention that the reports revealed a number of technical shortcomings and non-accounting for the registration of property stored in the warehouses of the CD.
Then, reports were heard on the training of the Civil Defense Steering Staff, which were held in June 2017 at the institutes of Information Technology, Polymer Materials, Law and Human Rights and Manuscripts.
In conclusion, a number of current issues were considered.
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