ANAS Nakhchivan Department held a seminar by Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
At the event, chairman of the Department, Academician Ismail Hajiyev, informed on activities of the structure staff in grant projects, have estimated the achievements as a result of state concern for the science development.
The chairman of the Department said that, grants have been allocated for the development of methods for the preparation of molybdenum (VI) oxide, antimony (III) sulfide, sodium chloride from the underground wealth of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, installation of spectrometric instruments for the Batabat Astrophysical Observatory, the test observations via the "Seyss-600" telescope, preparation of specialized scientific and technical personnel and implementation of spectroscopic research.
In addition, grants have been awarded for such projects as the scientific basis for determining the gene pool and effective use and protection of official medicinal plants in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, developing methods for obtaining heat-resistant thermal insulation materials and zeolites from the underground wealth of the autonomous republic, research in Kühltepe I and its neighborhoods, gathering, scientific research and publishing folklore of Nakhchivan, etc. The staff of the Department will continue to participate successfully in grant competitions.
Elchin Babayev, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Development of Science, noted that, one of the important works done in the field of science development is the establishment of the Science Development Fund on the Order of President Ilham Aliyev dated October 21, 2009. The purpose of the foundation is to protection the scientific and technical potential, the effective use of this potential in the development of the economy, the increasing role of science and technology in solving important social problems. From the first day of its activity, the Foundation set a goal to support the development of science in the country through grant competitions, to promote outside the country the scientific results achieved in Azerbaijan, at the modern level, to update the scientific and technical base connected with various researches in scientific organizations and structures and solve other issues.
Informing about the rules of using Internet resources for participation in competitions, Elchin Babayev noted that, the activity of the structure, organized on the basis of transparency principles, is placed in the official web page, the information in which is constantly updated. All projects submitted to the competition are subject to scientific expertise with the participation of local and, if necessary, foreign experts, with the condition of maintaining confidentiality. The first competition of grant projects was organized by the Foundation for the Development of Science on June 30, 2010. Annually the number of projects financed by the fund increases, the format is enriched and the quality of the works submitted to the competition is visually improved. Gradually, the financial volume of the state budget is growing in grant competitions. Competition rules are innovative and provide for the management of fundamental, applied and search-innovative research projects, and special programs.
Then, through the slides, was given information on the rules of participation in the contest, also were respondent the questions.
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