An international scientific conference titled "Islamic Art in the 21st Century: Tradition and Modernity" was held at the ANAS Institute of Architecture and Art on October 9.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli, vice-president of ANAS, opened the event with the participation of Azerbaijani scientists, as well as researchers from Iran and Kazakhstan, recalled the Presidential Decree dated 10 January 2017 on the declaration of the Year of Islamic Solidarity in our country. Speaking about the great political, economic, moral and ideological importance of the decree, academician I.Habibbayli said that Azerbaijan has made a great contribution to the establishment of multiculturalism, tolerance, intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue. He said that today's conference is a beginning of Islamic culture and Islamic civilization study.
"Islamic solidarity began in the 21st century, when Azerbaijan gained its independence," said the vice-president of the ANAS, stressing the importance of proper propagation of Islamic values as well as politicization of religion. He noted that one of the biggest problems in our modern world is terrorism. But religion and terrorism are contradictory. There is no place for extremism and radicalism where true religion is.
Academician I.Habibbeyli underlined the importance of the conference and emphasized the importance of strengthening solidarity among the Muslim countries in the fields of science and culture.
Then Director of the Institute of Architecture and Art, correspondent member of ANAS Ertegin Salamzadeh made a report on "Circulation of Turkic Arts in the Context of Islamic Culture".
The director of the institute noted that Azerbaijan national art school is the most developed in the post-Soviet countries. The work on the history of Azerbaijan's art and architecture here began in the 1940s and 1950s.
Later, Director of the Scientific-Methodological Center for Cultural Studies of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences Asif Usubaliyev said that the tolerance environment in our country is an example for the world and that there is no religious or national or racial discrimination in our country. He said that Azerbaijan is a model country in the Islamic world in terms of regulation of state-religion relations and wished success to the conference.
The event was followed by lectures on "Intelligent models of music turkology", "Artistic styles in Islamic culture", "Quarters of medieval Azerbaijani cities" and other topics.
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