Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.03.2019 09:34
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Division of Earth Sciences discussed a number of important questions

Division of Earth Sciences discussed a number of important questions

ANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics held a next meeting of Division Earth Sciences.

Academician-Secretary of the Division, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov informed the participants about the issues on the agenda.

During the meeting, were held elections on the post of Director of the Institute of Geography, as a result of which academician Ramiz Mammadov was re-elected Director. The election results were sent to the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences for approval.

 Improvement of the journal "News of ANAS" (a series of earth sciences) and work on the inclusion in the scientific base "Web of Science", "Scopus also was discussed". F.Gadirov noted that, both the current state of the journal and the international requirements for the improvement of the publication were studied.

 Head of the Department of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, deputy editor-in-chief Ghulam Babayev put forward a proposal to change the name to “ANAS Transactions Earth Sciense”. He added that the publication is already included in the above scientific bases. It was noted that for more information about the publication can be obtained at

In conclusion, were considered a number of current issues.

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