Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.09.2015 15:52
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Official opening of the 10th International Seismological Workshop School

Official opening of the 10th International Seismological Workshop School

By organizational support of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Science and Republican Seismological Survey Center (RCSS) of ANAS, the official opening of the 10th International Seismological Workshop School on topic "Modern methods of processing and interpretation of seismic data” was launched on September 14.

The seminar was attended by over 100 scientists-seismologists and specialists from the U.S, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Italy, Great Britain and other countries.

Speaking at the opening ceremony Vice-president of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexsey Molovichko stressed the importance of workshop school in terms of the mutual exchange of experience and cooperation between seismologists around the world. In the scientific session were discussed the history of the beginning of the seismic observation in Azerbaijan and Russia, as well as studies in the field of seismology.

Director of RCSS, corresponding member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmishli noted that after the strong earthquake that occurred in 1902 in Shamakhi, at the initiative of the Nobel brothers, have been installed seismic stations in three locations in Azerbaijan and thus, the foundation for the instrumental record was laid.

It was noted that, Azerbaijan, which has become a leading country in the region due to the rapidly developing economy, achieved progress in the field of seismology as well. Immediately after the earthquake, which occurred in November 2000 in Baku, at the direction of national leader Heydar Aliyev, tender was announced with the purpose to modernize seismic survey and initially, 14 sets of telemetry seismic stations produced by the American company "Kinemetrics” have been bought for RSSC. In order to ensure the organization of seismological studies at a higher level since 2008 in accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev, government has allocated funds and the number of telemetry seismic stations in Azerbaijan has reached 31. 4. 4 of these stations are located in the territory of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, located under siege. In 2011 were purchased additional four sets of telemetry seismic stations. For the first time in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea was established three underwater seismic stations. In addition, in order new GPS stations has commenced to install in the territory of Azerbaijan to expand geophysical investigations.

It was pointed out that the increase in the quality of comprehensive research in the RCSS of ANAS is viewed with great interest from foreign companies. The center cooperates with more than 20 foreign seismological centers. He is a member of four major international seismological centers - Joint Institute for Seismological Research (İRİS) the United States, the European Centre for Research and observation (ORFEUS), the Seismological center of Europe and the Mediterranean (EMSC), the European Seismological Commission (ESC).

After the opening ceremony workshop continued its work at the panel meetings.

The workshop, which will last three days, will be listened reports by seismologists from different countries and held discussions. On September 18, participants will visit to Shamakhi.

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