Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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21.05.2024 10:20
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Advanced level of Azerbaijan and Kirkuk literary relations

Advanced level of Azerbaijan and Kirkuk literary relations

Isa Habibbeyli, President of ANAS met with the head of the Cultural Association of Kirkuk

Academician Isa Habibbeyli, President of ANAS met with a well-known Kirkuk poet, researcher-writer, and head of the Cultural Association of Kirkuk Dr. Shamsaddin Kuzachi.

At the meeting held in the Presidium of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about the Azerbaijan and Kirkuk literary relations and the recent activity of the Coordinating Council for Iraqi-Turkmen Studies of ANAS. He added that significant steps have been taken to widely study Iraqi-Turkmen scientific-literary environment, history, language, ethnography, and folklore. Academician spoke about the issues related to the preparation of the international scientific conference themed “Iraqi-Turkmen Folklore and Literature” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ata Terzibashi, an outstanding figure of Kirkuk literary. The conference will be held on May 22 in the Central Scientific Library of ANAS. The academician also added that a book dedicated to Ata Terzibashi was also published by ANAS. The author of “Preface”of the book is the President of ANAS. 

Dr. Shamsaddin Kuzachi expressed his gratitude to the leadership of ANAS and highlighted the importance of development of the mutual scientific and literary relations.

Issues related to the preparation of the international conference dedicated to the 530th jubilee of the birth of the brilliant Azerbaijani poet and thinker Muhammad Fuzuli in Irag were widely discussed at the meeting.

Then, Kirkuk poet, researcher-writer, Dr. Shamsaddin Kuzachi presented an Honorary Diploma of Cultural Association of Kirkuk to academician Isa Habibbeyli, President of ANAS for his contributions to the development of Azerbaijan and Kirkuk literary relations.

A Certificate of Appreciation of Cultural Association of Kirkuk was presented to Agahuseyn Shukurov, PhD in Philology, head of Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS for publicizing the heritage of Ata Terzibashi, an outstanding figure of Kirkuk literary.

In the end, they took photos as a remembrance of the day.

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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