Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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28.01.2016 10:25
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Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences reported on the results of scientific and organizational activities in 2015

Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences reported on the results of scientific and organizational activities in 2015

ANAS Presidium hosted a regular meeting on January 27. At the event was listened the report on the results of the Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences in 2015.

Academician-Secretary of the Department, corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov reported on the scientific and organizational work carried out at the Department during the year.

He noted that, in 2015 studies were carried out in accordance with the order approved by ANAS Presidium "The priority areas of scientific research, which to be implemented in Azerbaijan in 2014-2020".

Academician-Secretary of the Department informed the participants with important results and achievements obtained during the year. "Last year, institutions of Department were carried out 317 research projects, covering 78 themes on 22 issues, 41 theme and 222 works were completed. Appropriate Action Plan for the application of the results of 26 research projects was realized. In the reporting year were published 10 monographs by employees of the Department, 7 were published abroad, 43 books, 5 of which were published abroad, 9 textbooks and non-fiction works. Also 33 theses works were defined, 34 are at a predefined stage".

Nazim Mammadov noted that, for obtaining a patent was sold 30 documents, obtained 33 patents, 24 of which obtained abroad. Relevant information about inventions of staff of the Department was published in various issues of the Official Bulletin of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patents "Industrial Property. Inventions. Utility models. Industrial Designs". In 2015 were published 1136 articles, 691 of which were published in reputable foreign journals, including 349 - in journals with impact factor. In the report told about realization activities in scientific institutions of Department within State program approved by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, as well as international conferences and symposiums. Noted that, employees of the Department acted with plenary reports at international conferences, which were held in the U.S, Canada, Japan, Korea, Germany, France, England, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, Poland and other countries in the world. Nazim Mammadov also spoke about international scientific cooperation. He stressed that, he continued his activity at the United Institute for Nuclear Research (UINR), which is located in Russia, Dubna. Last year to UINR were sent 6 people, now there are 21 employees.

After listening and discussing the reports was accepted resolution by the Presidium. According to the resolution, scientific and scientific-organizational activity of the Department in 2015 was accepted and instructed to include it to the annual report of ANAS.

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