Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


01.03.2016 13:19
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“Creation of the electronic scientific-intellectual database in ANAS” conference held

“Creation of the electronic scientific-intellectual database in ANAS” conference held

On February 29, Central Scientific Library (CSL) held conference on “Creation of the electronic scientific-intellectual database in ANAS”.

Opening the conference Vice-President of ANAS Academician Isa Habibbayli spoke on the importance of the conference and noted that, creation of the electronic scientific-intellectual database is one of key demands of modern era and it would assist for more reliable maintenance of scientific heritage and its relevant usage in future.

Later on, director of CSL, PhD in medicine Leyla Imanova underlined the creation of the electronic scientific-intellectual database as a next step taken within project “National Digital Memory”. The formation of “A single scientific-intellectual database” of research works within mentioned project in Azerbaijan is rather necessary, she noted.

L.Imanova said that today each institute of ANAS stores its electronic resources according to personal base system. The base system of the library allow for systematization of gathered electronic resources of ANAS in a common format and mutual exchange of scientific data.

Afterwards, chief of Section on formation of foundations in CSL Sharafat Ismayilova and associate of National Digital Memory Azizagha Hakhverdiyev made presentations. It was noted that, CSL got touch in more than one hundred foreign universities and world-renowned scientific databases so far. In addition was informed on the library's print and electronic resources, works done to strengthen the database. Moreover, activities at "Wikiproject”, protecting and maintaining the library resources, placement of articles in journals with impact factor and so on topics have been discussed.

Regular exchange of scientific products of ANAS, cataloging by means of modern standards, positioning in various databases and other issues were also topics of conference.

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