Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhDs of the Sheki RSC

Suleymanov Ali Abdulsalam oglu
Place of birth

Azerbaijan, Balakan, Katech

Date of birth 01.05.1930 

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin

Scientific degree

PhD in pedagogical Science


Leading researcher

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Rural youth teaching methodology of Azerbaijani languace in school

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases

Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements

He was the author of several books and articles during the period of his work in Sheki Regional Scientific Center. He worked as a school director until 1989, then as a regional editor of newspaper, as a reporter in "Soviet village" newspaper and as a member of USSR Union of Journalists and Journalists Union of Republic. He is also the author of a number of methodical articles in teaching Azerbaijan language

Names of scientific works
  1. Milli azlıqların folklor irsinin toplanması, nəşri və tədqiqi problemləri. “Azərbaycan folkloru” dərgisi. Bakı-Sabah-1994, səh 95-98
  2. Şəki-Zaqatala folklore – Azərbaycan Folklor antologiyası XIII cild. Bakı-2005
  3. “Babaların hikmət xəzinəsi (milli azlıqların folkloru)” “Prostorqq” nəşriyyatı, Bakı-2011
  4. “Zaqatala çələngi” – “Elm və təhsil”- Bakı 2014
  5. “Sarıbaşın folklor dünyası” – “Folklor və etnoqrafiya” jurnalı, Bakı-2013, №3 səh 45-61
  6. Zaqatala folklorunda “Seyran” mərasimi – “Folklor və etnoqrafiya” jurnalı, Bakı- 2014, №1-2 səh 20-25
  7. Balakən folkloru – “Folklor və etnoqrafiya” jurnalı, Bakı-2015, səh 66-76
  8. Zaqatala-Balakən bölgəsində aşıq ədəbiyyatı – “Folklor və etnoqrafiya” jurnalı, Bakı-2015, №2 səh 28-39
  9. “Bayatılarımızın yer-yurd yaddaşı” – “Folklor və etnoqrafiya” jurnalı, Baskı-2016, №2 səh 42-51
  10. “Region folkloru antologiyası” (Qax, Zaqatala, Balakən folkloru. Hazırda çapdadır)
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  Mamber of Journalists Trade Union of Azerbaijan
Pedagogical activity ASPU Sheki branch 
Other activities  
Awards and prizes

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour , medals

Main place of work and its address Sheki RSC of ANAS, Azerbaijan Republic, Sheki city, L.Abdullayev str.24
Position scientific worker 
Office phone (+994 24) 2461712  
Mobile (+994 50) 3663048 
Home phone  (+994 24) 2252348 